Welcome to the American Liver Foundation Clinical Trials website. Clinical trials are research studies aimed at evaluating medical, surgical, or behavioral interventions. They are a primary way for researchers to learn more about the safety and effectiveness of investigational treatments. People take part in clinical trials for many reasons.
When you volunteer to participate in a clinical trial, you help researchers learn more about curing, preventing, and treating liver disease and its complications, as well as improve healthcare for people in the future. In addition to helping others, you get extra care and monitoring from the clinical trials staff and may receive the newest treatments for a disease.
On these pages, you will find information about how to participate in a clinical trial, answers to frequently asked questions, information about featured clinical trials, and a clinical trial search tool to help you find a clinical trial near you in under 60 seconds.
Clinical Trials
A clinical trial is a medical research study that finds ways to more effectively prevent, diagnose or treat diseases in humans. Clinical trials measure the safety and effectiveness of new treatments, like a new medication or a new use of an existing medication; medical devices (such as pacemakers); or tests and procedures for diagnosing illnesses. To be considered for a clinical trial, participants are assigned the experimental treatment (and in some cases placebo), to measure the effect of the experimental treatment on some aspect of human health.
Before an experimental treatment, device or procedure can be tested in a clinical trial, it must have shown benefit in laboratory testing, animal research studies or research in a small group of humans. Clinical trials must follow the same (and often stricter) ethical and legal guidelines as standard medical practice to protect the safety of participants. Those laws are made to make sure that the studies do not cause harm to people.
The American Liver Foundation receives contributions and funding from clinical trial and study sponsors but does not evaluate or endorse any clinical trials or studies and is not affiliated with any of the sponsors.
How to Participate
People take part in clinical trials for many reasons. When you volunteer to participate in a clinical trial, you help researchers learn more about curing, preventing, and treating liver disease and its complications, as well as improve healthcare for people in the future. In addition to helping others, you get extra care and monitoring from the clinical trials staff and may receive the newest treatments for a disease.
Clinical trials are required to follow the same ethical and legal guidelines as standard medical practice to protect the safety of participants. However, before participating in a clinical study it’s important that you to talk to your healthcare provider and learn about the study’s potential risks and benefits.
If you’re thinking about participating in a clinical trial and would like more detailed information, the NIH Clinical Trials and You website is an excellent resource.
Learn More

Phases, Benefits and Risks of Clinical Trials
Learn more about the three different phases of clinical trials, which help determine if a treatment is effective and understand the potential benefits and risks of participating.

Find answers to our most frequently asked questions about clinical trials, including topics such as health insurance coverage, participation criteria, how to qualify, informed consent, and how to get started.

Search for Clinical Trials
Participating in a clinical trial is a great way to contribute to curing, preventing and treating liver disease and its complications. Find a clinical trial near you in just 60 seconds.